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Recent sightings

The weather is a bit changeable at the moment but there is plenty to see if you can find a break in the showers to get out this autumn.

Even in the centre of the village special wildlife can be seen - the Peregrine's are still in residence on the tower and while they have been arriving late and leaving early over the summer, so have been hard to see, they have been sitting up there at dusk over the last few weeks and are much easier to catch up with. If you have not seen them recently go for an evening stroll and see if you luck is in.

Redwings and Fieldfares are lovely winter thrushes with distinctive calls and they have arrived in large numbers over the last week and are now very easy to see.

There are Stonechats regularly seen on the way to Four Barrows, around New Barns and at High Clear Down.

The Woodlark were singing in numbers up around Love's Copse this morning, a lovely sound to hear and well worth the walk - try to get up in the sunshine and when still for the best chance of hearing these special birds.

This year has been a great year for Clouded Yellow butterflies and Hummingbird Hawkmoths - these two impressive immigrants are still about in small numbers with Hummingbird Hawkmoths coming to Buddleia in gardens over the last week.

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